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Author "Interrogation" with Dawn Hosmer

Updated: Oct 27, 2023


1. I’m so glad you could come by the station…I mean…be a guest on my blog today. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? And of course, about your amazing books.

First of all, I look awful in orange. Could we please go with a nice purple or black for my jumpsuit? Thanks!

I am a lifelong Ohioan. I am married and will be celebrating my 20-year anniversary with my husband, Steve, this July. (Hopefully not from behind prison bars) I have four children, 3 of whom are now adults. I spent my career in social work and am passionate about helping people. Did you hear that—helping…not KILLING!

My debut novel, Bits & Pieces, is a Psychological Thriller that released in November 2018. It is about a woman named Tessa who picks up pieces of others through touch. A chance encounter with a killer traps her within the mind of a madman.

The End of Echoes released on August 17, 2019. It is a suspense and is the book closest to my heart. Ruby Dunkin is in an abusive marriage. Her best efforts aren't enough to shield her two children from an abusive father whose cruelty knows no bounds. Chelsea Wyatt, a senior in high school, goes missing one night after work, never to return. For over eighteen years, no one knows the connection between Ruby Dunkin and Chelsea Wyatt. A journey through time reveals the common thread stitching their heartbreak together. Yesterday echoes throughout each character's life as they decide how, and if, they will break the chains of the past.

Perhaps I should come up with a way to phrase that last sentence that doesn’t involve the words “break the chains.”

2. You have some pretty violent, intense characters in your books. What was your motivation for writing these stories? Does the statement “write what you know” apply in your case?

All of my stories are inspired by real life events. So, I would say that “write what you know” definitely applies in this case. I’ve always been intrigued with true crime TV and shows like Criminal Minds. They’ve taught me so much about the human mind (and ways to murder people without getting caught).

Can I retract that last statement please?

I was a Sociology major in college so my interest in ways people behave has always been an interest of mine.

3. Did you have the opportunity to research any of the subject matter of your books? How were you able to “become” the mind of a killer in your writing? Any “hands on” experience that helped?

I plead the fifth other than to say my years in social work and studies in college provided me the insight I need into different types of characters minds, especially the deviant mind.

4. You seem a little anxious. Are you doing okay? Do you need a break before we proceed?

Would now be a good time to ask for an attorney? And perhaps a drink of water?

5. Let’s move on to the next question. Have you recently traveled outside of Ohio lately? Perhaps near the Oregon border where two hikers went missing… Scratch that. What I meant to say was, are you planning any book discussions/fairs in another state in the near future?

Ummm…I did recently visit the west coast but would prefer not to specify my location. I don’t feel comfortable telling you about my upcoming events/plans.

6. By what means were you able to publish these stories? Did you query first? If so, how many literary agents did you contact before deciding to sign with your current publisher? How many rejections did you receive? How did you FEEL about those rejections? Did they make you angry? Did you want to get even? Tell us how you REALLY felt!!! (pounds fist on imaginary table) I apologize for the outburst. Please disregard the last 3 questions.

I queried well over 100 agents between the two books over a ten-year period. I got that many rejections too. I don’t handle rejection well. Let’s just leave it at that.

I found both of my publishers through Twitter and the Writing Community.

7. Your books are receiving a lot of great feedback and praise. Besides being an author, are there any other success stories you’d like to “dig” up.

I prefer to leave things buried and hidden. Thanks for asking though.

8. Dawn, let’s cut to the chase. I have a hard time believing that these characters just popped in your head. They could have only been written by someone with in depth knowledge of such crimes. Someone with motive, means & opportunity. All of which you have. Does your husband REALLY know what you do while he’s at work? Does anyone truly know the real Dawn? (slams fist again) Admit it, Dawn! You’re a serial killer pretending to be a writer! There is no other explanation. I bet you delight in reliving the thrill of these murders in your books. How many people have you killed so far? Where did you hide their bodies? Who’s your next victim? This is your moment of truth. Confess now, and your fellow author friends on twitter may testify on your behalf.

About that attorney…I think now is a good time to make a phone call. And, can you work out something with this jumpsuit, please? Oh, and please don’t go looking for my husband to ask him questions. You will never find him.

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